Gas export to China

Russia – China – Transgaz

For the first time in the history of international cooperation between Russia and China, in September 2022, the Transgaz company successfully supplied liquefied petroleum gas of the “propane-butane technical” grade to the Jilin province of the People’s Republic of China.

Delivery is carried out in tank containers with subsequent transportation on automobile platforms throughout China. Tank containers for the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas are standardized according to GOST R 53350-2009 or ISO 668:1995

The TRANSGAS group of companies occupies 80% of the Primorsky Territory market for the sale of liquefied petroleum gas

Provides a wide range of services for the population and enterprises of the Far East, from gasification of facilities to delivery and round-the-clock technical maintenance.

The company's strategic goal is to become a leader in the supply of liquefied gas and other refined petroleum products for export.

The main key advantage of working with our company is openness and transparency in the formation of prices for goods and services, quick decision-making due to the complete digitalization of processes.

More about Transgaz company

Advantages of cooperation with Transgaz

Own laboratory

In order to control the quality of products, the State Tax Service has its own laboratory equipped with modern equipment. The quality of gas is controlled at all stages from arrival at the liquefied gas storage base to receipt by consumers. The laboratory provides laboratory testing services not only for our clients, but also at the request of any interested parties

Own fleet of vehicles

Today there are more than 50 vehicles. All road transport is equipped in accordance with the requirements of Russian and international technical regulations. The company's drivers have Russian and international driver's licenses and are trained in accordance with the requirements of ADR.

Own retail network

The company is actively developing its retail network, with immediate plans to open up to 45 gas filling stations on the Yakutsk-Vladivostok federal highway.

Availability of own infrastructure

The company has two modern gas filling stations that meet the standards and safety requirements. Railway and road transport weight control is in effect.